, pub-7945355074015990, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Woman Health And Beauty: 2019

Sunday, January 13, 2019

It is better to avoid foods that are available in the period

During the period, the girls have to be a little more careful. It is good to follow the rules from walking to food until you eat food. Depending on the type of diet this time is, the body's good and bad depends largely on it.

What is the period?
After every chandramas, after every hormone the effects of hormonal chaos, the changes in the uterus of the women, and the secretion of blood and uterus, which comes out of the vagina, is called menstrual cycle. During periodic stomach  ache, back pain, nausea may occur. And this is the monthly menstrual cycle. This is the period.

Milk and yogurt
Dairy products such as milk, cheeses or yogurt will not be eaten at a higher level in the period. If eating more of these foods increases the level of hormonal increases so much that it does not take time to remove physical hardship. So avoid the milk and the foods made from it.

Junk Food
Eating junk food is not good for the body. During fracture, frad diet is a serious harm to the body.

Due to high levels of salt, it can not be eaten during the period. Playing over salt in the diet starts to cause some changes in the body, which in turn increases the period of pain.


Playing cucumbers increases the risk of various physical problems. Some elements present in the chest have a bad effect on the body.

Cold drinks
Do not eat cold drinks during the period. Multiple studies have shown that at this time, drinking such drinks causes blood to be eaten in the urine. If this happens, after 5-10 years, the risk of developing cancer can increase many times.

Intense workout can not be done at this time. And if there is pain in the stomach and back, then it can not be practiced at all.

Apart from sleeping, due to not being able to sleep, tiredness increases so much that daily work also started to be tied up. So it is not possible to stay awake during the period of the period.